Stylized Man
Stylized Man

Seven Paths Web Design is a small web design studio which I own and operate independently. I take a unique approach to web design at Seven Paths—to give you a unique experience and a unique website.

—Lewis Campbell, Northfield, Minnesota

A Balance of Design and Usability

Good artistic design is of paramount importance in creating an effective website. If a website is not attractive, people are unlikely to visit it more than once. At the same time, a website must be easy to use and easy to understand. In my work, I try to achieve an optimal balance of attractive design and usability.

An Emphasis on Adaptive Design

Adaptive web design is design which works well on a wide range of devices, from six-inch smart phones to sixty-inch televisions. Because over fifty percent of all website visits now come from mobile devices and televisions, adaptive design is one of my top priorities.

A Wide Variety of Services

I provide a broad collection of services, including graphic design, copy creation and editing, animation, blog and forum creation, e-commerce development, custom programming, and usability testing.

A Commitment to Collaboration

A successful website is almost always the result of effective collaboration between the site designer and the site owner. At every stage of the website development process, I try to listen more than I talk, and understand more than I explain.

A Guarantee of Affordability

My goal is to make my fees both reasonable and predictable. I base my fees on a modest hourly rate, and I always give you a firm price for your entire project before I begin.

Driven by Service—Not Profit

My primary goal is to create an outstanding website for you. The satisfaction of collaborating with you to create a website that is beautiful, functional, and well-suited to your needs is the most rewarding part of my work. Earning a profit is trivial compared to the satisfaction of having done my work well.